More funding for defense tech?

Welcome to the TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It’s inspired by the daily TechCrunch+ column where it gets its name. Want it in your inbox every Saturday? Sign up here. Let’s be honest, it’s been a tough week. But let’s use some spare brain cycles to reflect on defense tech, AI in Canada and…

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Palestine’s growing tech industry has been literally blown apart by the war between Israel and Hamas

Gaza, despite being one of the most economically challenged regions in the world, has ironically always been a tech hub — not only for Palestine and Palestinians, but for the world: International companies have, for many years, sought out a presence there to collaborate both with talented tech freelancers, and the startups which gradually emerged…

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Consistent policy is key to unlocking the climate tech boom, but the UK’s U-turn isn’t helping

Eliza Eddison Contributor Eliza Eddison is COO at FabricNano, a biocatalyst engineering company that enables the sustainable manufacture of products — including but not limited to industrial chemicals — at scale. When British prime minister Rishi Sunak appeared in front of the hastily assembled press on September 20, the letter-crammed slogan on his lectern caused…

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