This German nonprofit is building an open voice assistant that anyone can use

There have been many attempts at open source AI-powered voice assistants (see Rhasspy, Mycroft and Jasper, to name a few) — all established with the goal of creating privacy-preserving, offline experiences that don’t compromise on functionality. But development’s proven to be extraordinarily slow. That’s because, in addition to all the usual challenges attendant with open…

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Y Combinator wants 100 times more MRI scans

Leveraging resources such as virtual data rooms and shared labs makes it easier for biotech startups to grow. This is good news: We need more companies attacking cancer from novel angles, including AI-enabled early detection. And who knows, maybe one of these will become a trillion-dollar company? — Anna Scaling early cancer detection Y Combinator’s…

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Tech giants sign voluntary pledge to fight election-related deepfakes

Tech companies are pledging to fight election-related deepfakes as policymakers amp up pressure. Today at the Munich Security Conference, vendors including Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon, Adobe and IBM signed an accord signaling their intention to adopt a common framework for responding to AI-generated deepfakes intended to mislead voters. Thirteen other companies, including AI startups OpenAI,…

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Atlas helps companies offer contractor benefits no matter where they are located

Karen Serfaty and Gianina Rossi, both engineers from Argentina, worked for U.S.-based companies over the past 10 years, and the same issue kept coming up: how to manage taxes while being a contractor in another country. Joining with San Francisco-based Josefina Van Thienen, who had worked at Microsoft building strategic partnerships with tech companies focusing…

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